Housing Improvements Underway | Teachers College Columbia University

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Housing Improvements Underway

The College is starting to implement repairs and renovations recommended by the Task Force on Residence Life.

The College is starting to implement repairs and renovations recommended by the Task Force on Residence Life.

Fred A. Schnur, Vice President for Finance and Administration, established the task force last year. Six students and five administrators served on the committee.

Recommendations already implemented include: training in security, customer service and security for new and returning staff; refurbishing Grant and Sarasota Halls; and security guards are on duty from midnight to 8 a.m. weekdays and all day on weekends at Bancroft and Whittier Halls.

Other recommendations will take more time to implement. Engineering and architectural firms are prioritizing maintenance needs. Crews expect to complete work in Bancroft in the fall. Work will begin in Whittier this winter.

Published Tuesday, Apr. 9, 2002


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