Testy Time for School in Buffalo | Teachers College Columbia University

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Testy Time for School in Buffalo

The issue of "overtesting" has been the topic of controversy. In New York, parents, pupils and educators agree that assessment tests have a useful purpose, but feel that testing has gone too far.

The issue of "overtesting" has been the topic of controversy. In New York, parents, pupils and educators agree that assessment tests have a useful purpose, but feel that testing has gone too far.

Cliford Hill, the Arthur L. Gates Professor of Language and Education, states that "New York's assessment tests don't give pupils enough time to perform complex tasks, don't allow them to use word processors to revise their writing and measure their performance agains hopelessly inflated criteria."

The article, entitled "Testy Time for Schools" appeared in the April 16 edition of the Buffalo News.

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Published Tuesday, Sep. 18, 2001


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