Mayor Bloomberg Proclaims Peace Corps Fellows Day | Teachers College Columbia University

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Mayor Bloomberg Proclaims Peace Corps Fellows Day

Catchy it's not, but did you know that Tuesday, March 15th, was officially "Peace Corps Fellows Program at Teachers College, Columbia University, Day"? So proclaimed New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg in honor of the Fellows' 20th anniversary celebration, while Hillary Clinton, Charles Schumer, Joel Klein and others sent their personal tributes. The program, which fast-tracks returning Peace Corps veterans to teach in the city's school system, has spawned offshoots at other universities around the country.

Catchy it's not, but did you know that Tuesday, March 15th, was officially "Peace Corps Fellows Program at Teachers College, Columbia University, Day"? So proclaimed New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg in honor of the Fellows' 20th anniversary celebration, while Hillary Clinton, Charles Schumer, Joel Klein and others sent their personal tributes. The program, which fast-tracks returning Peace Corps veterans to teach in the city's school system, has spawned offshoots at other universities around the country.

Mayor Bloomberg Proclamation Thumbnail Joel Klien Letter of Support Thumbnail Hillary Clinton Letter of Support Thumbnail Charles Schumer Letter of Support Thumbnail
Enlarge Mayor Bloomberg's Proclamation Enlarge Joel Klien Letter of Support Enlarge Hillary Clinton Letter of Support Enlarge Charles Schumer Letter of Support

Published Thursday, Mar. 24, 2005


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