Tough Choices or Tough Times | Teachers College Columbia University

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Tough Choices or Tough Times

The National Center on Education and the Economy has released a report that argues for a major shift in priorities for the nation's K-12 education system. TC's Lynn Kagan is a major contributor. Click here to read the report's executive summary.
The National Center on Education and the Economy has released a report -- "Tough Choices or Tough Times" -- that focuses on the changing skills required for U.S. workers and argues for a significant shift in priorities for the nation's K-12 education system.
Sharon Lynn Kagan, Virginia and Leonard Marx Professor of Early Childhood and Family Policy at Teachers College, is a major contributor to the report's recommendations concerning early childhood education.
TC President Susan Fuhrman calls the report "an exciting vision of a reformed and revitalized American education system that "has many important ideas that should generate considerable debate and are worthy of serious consideration."
Click here to read the executive summary of the report.

Published Wednesday, Dec. 13, 2006


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