Extracurriculars | Teachers College Columbia University

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This December, the children of the Rita Gold preschool program held a bake sale to raise money to purchase toys. But the toys were not for keeping; the children then donated them to the annual book and toy drive to benefit the children of the Bloomingdale Family Program, a Head Start preschool located just south of Morningside Heights. The drive was organized by the TC Office of the Web.
This December, the children of the Rita Gold preschool program held a bake sale to raise money to purchase toys. But the toys were not for keeping; the children then donated them to the annual book and toy drive to benefit the children of the Bloomingdale Family Program, a Head Start preschool located just south of Morningside Heights. The drive was organized by the TC Office of the Web.

Published Thursday, Feb. 23, 2006


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