TC and CU Receive Report on Increasing Cooperation | Teachers College Columbia University

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TC and CU Receive Report on Increasing Cooperation

Columbia and Teachers College recently hired consulting firm McKinsey and Co. to gauge the pros and cons of the two schools forging a closer relationship. The final report offers a variety of moves to consider.
Columbia and Teachers College recently hired consulting firm McKinsey and Co. to gauge the pros and cons of the two schools forging a closer relationship. The final report offers a variety of moves to consider.

"All the findings of the McKinsey report represent potential opportunities for cooperation that we wish to explore further. They are not recommendations for action," wrote Jack Hyland and Bill Rueckert, co-chairs of TC's Board of Trustees, in a letter accompanying the report.

"Nothing is imminent," Joseph Levine, TC's executive director of external affairs, said. "We are currently bringing the report to our faculty, expressing an interest in exploring these options."

This article, written by Tom Faure, appeared in the January 31st, 2006 publication of The Columbia Spectator.

Published Sunday, Feb. 5, 2006


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