Comic Books for Learning | Teachers College Columbia University

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Comic Books for Learning

The three-year-old "Comic Book Project" developed by Dr. Michael Bitz of Columbia University's Teachers College is giving teachers ways to teach kids that will be stimulating and fun while skill-building at the same time. It gives kids the chance to use material from their own lives to conceive, write, and illustrate stories.
The three-year-old "Comic Book Project" developed by Dr. Michael Bitz of Columbia University's Teachers College is giving teachers ways to teach kids that will be stimulating and fun while skill-building at the same time. It gives kids the chance to use material from their own lives to conceive, write, and illustrate stories.

The comic books offer a dynamic way to teach elements of fiction required in many middle schools, and kids in 12 cities -- including Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, Los Angeles, Philadelphia and Washington -- are learning about sequence and dialogue as they develop their panels. The kids address topics such as teamwork, violence, bullying, the environment and racial harmony -- casting themselves as heroes with supernatural powers. Meanwhile, they're learning to stick with a project, express themselves, and make their voices heard.

This article, written by Dr. Marciene Mattleman, appeared on KYW NewsRadio on March 14th, 2006.

Published Wednesday, Mar. 15, 2006


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