Alumni Council President's Message | Teachers College Columbia University

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Alumni Council President's Message

Dear Fellow Alumni, I am pleased to have the opportunity to extend warm greetings on behalf of the Alumni Council. As Teachers College alumni, we share a common thread in our professional lives. Whether our focus is public policy, health care, psychology or education, we are all actively engaged in serving the public interest.

Dear Fellow Alumni,

I am pleased to have the opportunity to extend warm greetings on behalf of the Alumni Council.

As Teachers College alumni, we share a common thread in our professional lives. Whether our focus is public policy, health care, psychology or education, we are all actively engaged in serving the public interest. Recognizing this shared purpose, the Council seeks to provide our fellow alumni, who hail from places ranging from Egypt to the East Side of New York, with opportunities to stay actively involved in the life of the College.

Enclosed in this issue of TC Today, you will find a survey developed by the Council's Survey Committee and the Office of Alumni Relations. This is your chance to tell us what types of programming are of interest to you. I thank you in advance for your input.

We have been recipients of a prestigious education. As alumni, we have the responsibility to ensure the TC degree retains its value and relevance for subsequent generations of TC students. I urge you to join your fellow alumni in contributing to and remaining active in our outstanding institution. Together we can make a difference in the lives of students today and the leaders of tomorrow.

Please mark your calendars for Academic Homecoming, which will be held November 13. I look forward to seeing you soon.




Published Thursday, Sep. 28, 2006


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