In the News on May 5, 2008 | Teachers College Columbia University

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In the News on May 5, 2008

House education committee approves new money to improve school facilities * Moving education to the front in the presindential campaign * PA proposal to establish state high school graduation tests meets oppposition * Affluent school districts make up for budget cuts by holding auctions

House education committee approves a bill to authorize new money to improve school facilities after debate about federal spending priorities

Commentary – “Education, which has not gotten much attention from the presidential candidates, must move front and center in the 2008 campaign”

School Funding Litigation/Policy

NJ Department of Education considers removing voters from the school district budget process to cut costs

School auction season – a phenomenon of affluent areas – is in full swing across NYC to make up for budget cuts of over $180 million

State Roundup

HI will not apply for a trial federal program under NCLB that would give states a more flexible way of helping failing schools by targeting money to schools with the most needs

PA Board of Education approves new regulations that will make it easier to identify students as gifted through a more flexible and open process

PA proposal to establish state high school graduation tests in 10 subjects has generated stiff opposition

UT Legislature offered science and math teachers a bonus for the 2008-2009 school year, but many teachers in those subjects may not qualify

VA parents and advocates mobilize against proposed changes to special-education regulations that they fear would rupture working relationships and minimize parental input

Published Tuesday, May. 13, 2008


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