Low-income communities are at greater risk of long-term displacement in the event of rising sea-levels, said Christopher Emdin, Associate Professor of Science Education, during a recent appearance on MSNBC ahead of Climate Week 2019. 

It is a misconception to think  that urban areas will be less affected by rising sea levels and climate change, Emdin said. He called for climate change conversations to include “the recognition that those who live in [urban] areas are often times those who are most socio-economically disadvantaged.”

Emdin, who was named a Minorities in Energy Ambassador for the U.S. Department of Energy in 2014, sees education as a key strategy in addressing climate change. He called for “having young folks be able to be aware of these dynamics” and urged schools to “create advocates in the next generation of young folks who will be affected by this.” 

Watch the MSNBC interview here